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Table 2 The mean percentages of minimum, maximum and mean medulla spinalis doses ± standard deviation for all plans

From: A dosimetric comparison of different treatment plans of palliative spinal bone irradiation: analysis of dose coverage with respect to ICRU 50 report


Mean dose (range) % ± SD


Single field-ICRUrp

Single field-IBMCrp

Two opposed fields


94.2 (85–102) ± 3.0

103.4 (96–109) ± 3.3

96.2 (94–101) ± 1.5


108.8 (101–118) ± 3.6

120.1 (115–129) ± 3.5

103.2 (101–106) ± 1.4


102 (95–112) ± 3.1

112.7 (107–117) ± 2.3

100.3 (98–104) ± 1.3

  1. ICRUrp, the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements reference point; IBMCrp, the International Bone Metastasis Consensus Working Party reference point; SD, standard deviation.