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Fig. 6 | Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research

Fig. 6

From: RETRACTED ARTICLE: Downregulation of lncRNA ZNF582-AS1 due to DNA hypermethylation promotes clear cell renal cell carcinoma growth and metastasis by regulating the N(6)-methyladenosine modification of MT-RNR1

Fig. 6

ZNF582-AS1 regulated the N(6)-methyladenosine modification of MT-RNR1 by modulating A8K0B9. a Negative and positive controls of rRNA MeRIP-seq. b The analysis results of rRNA MeRIP-seq. c The expression of MT-RNR1, MT-RNR2 and RNA28SN5 in ZNF582-AS1-overexpressed and control OSRC2 cells. d and e MT-RNR1 expression was negatively associated with ZNF582-AS1 expression (n = 530), and lower MT-RNR1 expression was related to longer OS (n = 530) based on TCGA-KIRC data. According to the median cutoff of MT-RNR1 expression, patients were divided into two groups for survival analysis. f The expression of MT-RNR1 in ccRCC cell lines. g Analysis of m6A motif DRACH (D = A, G or U; R = A or G; H = A, U or C) in MT-RNR1 sequence. h MeRIP-qPCR determined the methylation level of MT-RNR1 in ZNF582-AS1-overexpressed OSRC2 cells and control cells. i RIP-RT-qPCR showed that A8K0B9 protein had a certain binding ability with MT-RNR1 in OSRC2 cells

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