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Fig. 2 | Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research

Fig. 2

From: Insights into high-risk multiple myeloma from an analysis of the role of PHF19 in cancer

Fig. 2

PHF19 expression in normal human and mouse hematopoiesis in normal human and mouse B-cell differentiation. PHF19 expression in human (A) and mouse (B) expression profiles in normal hematopoiesis as reported in the Blood Spot database [54] (, accessed on 27 July 2021). A the Normal human hematopoiesis (HemaExplorer) dataset was used. B the Mouse normal hematopoietic system (upper) and Mouse Normal RNA-Seq (Lower) datasets were used. LT-HSC: Long Term Hematopoietic Stem Cell, ST-HSC: Short term Hematopoietic stem cell, HSC: Hematopoietic Stem Cell, LMPP: Lymphoid-primed multipotential progenitors, MPP: Multipotent Progenitor, CLP: Common Lymphoid Progenitor, CMP: Common Myeloid Progenitor, GMP: Granulocyte Monocyte Progenitor. PHF19 expression in mouse (C) and human (D and E) expression profiles in normal human and mouse B-cell differentiation. C Phf19 expression as reported in the Blood Spot database [54] (, accessed on 27 July 2021) using the Mouse immgen B cells dataset (upper) and as reported in Immgen dataset (, accessed on 27 July 2021) using RNA-seq Gene Skyline tool (Lower). D and E PHF19 expression as reported in the GenomicScape database [55] (, accessed on 27 July 2021) using the Human B cells to plasma cells GCRMA dataset (D) and Human B cells to plasma cells (in-vitro) dataset (E). NBC: Naive B cells (n=5), CB: Centroblasts (n=4), CC: Centrocytes (n=4), MBC: Memory B cells (n=5), prePB: preplasmablasts (n=5), PB: Plasmablasts (n=5), PC: Early plasma cells (n=5), BMPC: Bone marrow plasma cells (n=5), act.BC: Activated B-cells (n=5)

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