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Fig. 7 | Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research

Fig. 7

From: Expression and activation of nuclear hormone receptors result in neuronal differentiation and favorable prognosis in neuroblastoma

Fig. 7

High GR, ERα, and RARα levels correlated with favorable prognosis and neuronal differentiation status in NB patients. A Kaplan-Meier overall and event free survival curves for patients divided into HighGR + ERα (74 patients) versus LowGR + ERα (80 patients) mRNA expression levels. B mRNA expression of the neuronal differentiation markers TH, NGFR, and SCG2 in the HighGR + ERα versus LowGR + ERα patient groups. C Kaplan-Meier overall survival curves for patients divided into four patient groups according to MYCN status. MNA HighGR + ER (0 patients) versus LowGR + ERα + RARα (50 patients) and NMNA with HighGR + ER (74 patients) versus LowGR + ERα + RARα (29 patients) mRNA expression levels. D Kaplan-Meier overall and event free survival curves for patients divided into two groups according to HighGR + ERα + RARα (24 patients) versus LowGR + ERα + RARα (36 patients) mRNA expression levels. E mRNA expression of the neuronal differentiation markers TH, NGFR, and SCG2 between the HighGR+ ERα + RARα versus LowGR+ ERα + RARα patient groups. Statistical analysis: t-test with *, ***, and **** indicating p < 0.05, p < 0.001, and p < 0.0001. Log-rank test was used for analysis of all Kaplan-Meier curves. p-values are shown in each plot. All data are from the SEQC cohort

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