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Fig. 8 | Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research

Fig. 8

From: LncRNA AL139294.1 can be transported by extracellular vesicles to promote the oncogenic behaviour of recipient cells through activation of the Wnt and NF-κB2 pathways in non-small-cell lung cancer

Fig. 8

AL139294.1 in EVs promotes tumour growth in vivo and its diagnostic value. A, B Two groups of nude mice were subcutaneously injected with NCI-H1299 cells. After tumour formation, the pcDNA3.1-EVs or AL139294.1-EVs derived from NCI-H1299 cells transfected with pcDNA3.1 empty vectors or AL139294.1-overexpression plasmids, respectively, were injected into the nude mice via the lateral tail. Tumour weight (C) and volume (D) were measured. E The BRD4 protein levels in the tumour tissues were tested by western blotting. F The correlation of AL139294.1 and miR-204-5p in EVs of NSCLC (n = 111). The box plots show the relative levels of serum AL139294.1 (G) and miR-204-5p (I) in EVs of three cohorts: healthy (n = 40), pneumonia (n = 49), and NSCLC (n = 111). ROC analyses evaluated the diagnostic ability of serum AL139294.1 (H) and miR-204-5p (J) in EVs to differentiate healthy from NSCLC. K The box plots show the levels of serum AL139294.1 in EVs of the subgroups without/with lymph node metastases (N0/N1-3) (n = 38/73), without/with distant metastases (M0/M1) (n = 88/23), and stages I-II/III-IV (n = 44/67). L The box plots show the levels of serum miR-204-5p in EVs among the subgroups of without/with lymph node metastases (N0/N1-3) (n = 38/73) and stages I-II/III-IV (n = 44/67). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01

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