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Fig. 4 | Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research

Fig. 4

From: Organoids as a biomarker for personalized treatment in metastatic colorectal cancer: drug screen optimization and correlation with patient response

Fig. 4

Organoid sensitivity based on primary tumour location and mutational status. A Clustered heatmap of the normalized GRAUC, with characteristics of the patient indicated in the first four columns for chemotherapy exposure prior to PDO establishment (adjuvant or first line), the primary tumour location (left- versus right-sided), mutational status (BRAF-mutant, RAS-mutant and RAS/BRAF-wildtype) and PDO origin (metastatic and primary tumour). The normalized GRAUC are illustrated as a heatmap with a column for each treatment type examined, with PDOs that were not screened for oxaliplatin in grey. B and C) The DRCs for panitumumab (B) and 5-FU (C) treatment and boxplots of the GRAUC for PDOs categorized according to the tumour’s mutational status and sidedness (RAS/BRAF-wildtype and left-sided; RAS/BRAF-wildtype and rectal; RAS/BRAF-wildtype and right-sided; RAS-mutant and BRAF-mutant. Boxplots show the minimum, median, maximum, upper and lower quartiles and individual data points. Abbreviations: 5-FU (5-flouruoracil), DRC (drug response curve), CTG (CellTiter-Glo), CQ (CyQUANT), GRAUC (area under the growth rate inhibition curve), PDO (patient-derived organoid), SN-38 (active metabolite of irinotecan), wt (wildtype)

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