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Table 10 A list of quality of life studies covering supportive care topics in breast cancer patients (1974–2007)

From: Health-related quality of life in breast cancer patients: A bibliographic review of the literature from 1974 to 2007

Author (s) [Ref.]




van Holten-Verzantvoort et al. [217]


Pamidronate vs. control to reduce skeletal morbidity

Less short-term mobility impairment and bone pain in treatment group but not at long term.

Young-McCaughan and Sexton [218]


Aerobic exercise

Higher QOL in women who exercised.

Soukop et al. [219]


Ondansetron vs. metoclopramide to control emesis

Ondansetron was significantly superior.

Kornblith et al. [220]


Megestrol acetate in dose-response trial to prevent appetite loss

Lower dose was optimal achieving fewest side effects and a better QOL.

Clavel et al. [221]


Ondansetron to control emesis (review of five randomized trials)

Ondansetron provided significant QOL benefits compared with metoclopramide and alizapride)

Ashbury et al. [222]


One-on-one peer support (Reach to Recovery programme)

Patients were satisfied and the programme had incremental benefits to QOL of patients.

Lee [223]


Social support (Reach to Recovery programme)

Social support plays a vital role in promoting overall QOL.

Wengstrom et al. [224]


Nursing intervention vs. control

No measurable effect on side effects or QOL but proved to have a positive effect in minimizing stress.

Lachaine et al. [225]


Ondansetron or metoclopramide to control emesis

Emesis control was significantly better in ondansetron; global QOL decreased more with metoclopramide.

Ritz et al. [226]


Advanced nursing care (APN)+ standard care vs. standard care

APN improved some QOL indicators.

Molenaar et al. [227]


Decision support to help patients to choose mastectomy or breast conservation

Decision-making improved as evaluated in terms of satisfaction and QOL.

Sammarco [228]


Perceived social support and uncertainty in younger breast cancer survivors

Significant positive correlation between perceived social support and QOL, and significant negative correlation between uncertainty, and QOL.

Michael et al. [229]


Social networks

Pre-diagnosis level of social integration was important factor in future QOL, and explains more of the variance than treatment or tumour characteristics.

Olsson et al. [230]


Erythropoietin (randomized to two different doses epoetin-beta) for treatment of anemia

Global QOL was significantly improved and there was no difference between two study arms.

O'Shaughnessy [231]


Effects of epoetin-alfa to prevent neuronal apoptosis vs. placebo

Improved cognitive function, mood and QOL in treatment group.

Graves et al. [232]


8-week intervention based on social cognitive theory vs. standard care

Women in intervention group improved more on QOL, mood, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations.

Courneya et al. [233]


Exercise training (randomized trial)

Exercise training had beneficial effects on QOL.

Turner [234]


Seated exercise

Reduced fatigue and improved QOL observed.

Headley et al. [235]


Effect of seated exercise vs. control

Women with advanced breast cancer randomized to the seated exercise had a slower decline in total physical well-being and less increase in fatigue.

Weinfurt et al. [236]


Zoledronic asid or pamidornate disodium for metastatic bone lesion

Overall increase in QOL was observed.

Diel et al. [237]


Ibandronate vs. placebo in breast cancer with metastatic bone pain

A significant improvement in QOL was observed in intervention group; fatigue and pain were also reduced.

Body et al. [238]


Ibandronate vs. placebo in breast cancer with metastatic bone pain

Oral ibandronate had beneficial effects on bone pain and QOL and was well tolerated.

Wardley et al. [239]


Zoledronic acid in community setting vs. hospital setting in breast cancer patients with bone metastases

No difference between settings; safety and QOL benefits were observed.

Yoo et al. [240]


Muscle relaxation training and guided imagery vs. control

Less anticipatory and post-chemotherapy nausea and vomiting and higher QOL in intervention group.

Manning-Walsh [241]


Relationships between persona land religious support and symptom distress and QOL

Personal support was positively related to QOL and had partial mediated effects on symptom distress but religious support was not.

Gordon et al. [242]


Home-based physiotherapy or group-based exercise or no intervention

Physiotherapy was found beneficial for functioning, physical and overall QOL.

Kendall et al. [243]


Influence of exercise (13.2 years following diagnosis)

High level of functioning was observed; those whose exercise increased, maintained a better QOL.

Chang et al. [244]


Effect of weekly epoetin alfa on maintaining hemoglobin levels, and reduction of transfusion vs. standard care

Epoetin alfa improved QOL, maintained hemoglobin levels and reduced of transfusion.

Hudis et al [245]


Effect of weekly epoetin alfa on hemoglobin levels

Epoetin alfa improved hemoglobin levels, and QOL in mildly anemic patients.

Badger et al. [246]


Telephone interpersonal counseling (TPC) vs. usual care

TIP-C was partially effective in symptom management and improved QOL.

Cheema and Gual [247]


Full-body exercise training (before and after evaluation study)

Significant improvements were observed in upper- and lower-body strength, endurance, and QOL.

Sutton and Erlen [248]


Mutual dyadic support intervention

Most dyadic relationships were supportive, some reciprocal and some experienced conflicts.

Round et al. [249]


Recovery advice to prevent treatment problems

Recovery advice given to women neither was supported nor refuted to be able improve QOL.

Giese-Davis et al. [250]


Peer counseling intervention (newly diagnosed and peer counselors)

Significant improvement in newly diagnosed was observed in trauma symptoms, emotional well-being, and self-efficacy but increased emotional suppression and declined QOL in peer counselors.

Moadel et al. [251]


Effects of yoga on QOL

Yoga was associated with beneficial effects on social functioning among breast cancer survivors.

Hartmann et al. [252]


Effects of a step-by-step inpatient rehabilitation programme and QOL

Although not generally superior to conventional inpatient rehabilitation programmes, the step-by-step rehabilitation provided marked benefits for patients with cognitive impairments.

Kim et al. [253]


Effect of complex decongestive therapy (CDT) on edema and QOL in breast cancer patients with unilateral leymphedema

CDT for upper limb lymphedema resulted in significant improved edema and QOL.