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Fig. 5 | Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research

Fig. 5

From: CD147 mediates epidermal malignant transformation through the RSK2/AP-1 pathway

Fig. 5

CD147 is overexpressed in cSCC and promotes the malignant biological behavior of A431 cells and relates with MDSCs. A-B The expression file of CD147 (A) and CXCL1 (B) in GSE42677. Box plots of mRNA expression levels for CD147 and CXCL1 in normal skin (n = 10), AK (n = 5), SCC (n = 10), based on GSE42677 data and plotted on a log2 scale (y-axis). C-D CD147 is highly expressed in cSCC tissues. Normal skin (n = 8) and cSCC (n = 40) tissues were collected, and immunohistochemistry staining of CD147 was performed as described in the Materials and Methods. Representative images were taken (C), and a summary graph of the CD147-positive rate was presented (D). E-F Knockdown of CD147 inhibits A431 cell growth. E Stable knockdown of CD147 in A431 cells was generated by lentiviral infection. Protein from whole-cell lysates of A431 cells was extracted and subjected to immunoblot analysis using antibodies against CD147 as described in the Materials and Methods. GAPDH was used as a loading control. F CD147-knocking down A431 cells showed a decreased growth rate. Cells were seeded into 96-well plates, and cell viability was examined by a CCK-8 kit. Data from multiple experiments are expressed as the mean ± SD. The significance of differences was evaluated using two-way ANOVA. G-I Inhibition of CD147 suppressed A431 cell migration and invasion. G The scratch assay was performed as described in the Materials and Methods. The bar chart graphs shown are from three independent experiments. Data are presented as the mean ± SD (n = 3). The significance of differences was evaluated using two-way ANOVA. H Transwell assays were performed as described in the Materials and Methods. I The number of invasive cells per field was calculated, and the data are presented as the mean ± SD (n = 4) of each group. The significance of differences between groups was evaluated by Student’s t-test. J-K The expression of CD147 and CD33 is positively correlated. The expression of CD147 and CD33 were detected in cSCC patients by immunohistochemistry staining as described in the Materials and Methods. Representative images were taken (J), and the correlation of CD147 and CD33 was determined using Pearson’s correlation analysis (K)

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