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Fig. 4 | Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research

Fig. 4

From: CD28/PD1 co-expression: dual impact on CD8+ T cells in peripheral blood and tumor tissue, and its significance in NSCLC patients' survival and ICB response

Fig. 4

Functional benefit provided by CD11ahigh, ICOS and CD137 depends on the PD1/CD28 phenotype and localization. A Expression levels of co-stimulatory receptors and lytic molecules in T cells from PBMC, adjacent non-tumor tissue (NT), and tumor site (T), in a representative NSCLC patient, illustrated by t-SNE plots. B-E–H Expression of CD11ahigh (B, n = 23), ICOS (E, n = 21) and CD137 (H, n = 38), as evaluated by multiparametric flow cytometry, within ex vivo unstimulated T cells gated on CD8+ PD1+CD28 and PD1+CD28+ subsets, from the periphery to the tumor site of NSCLC patients (Mann–Whitney test, with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons). C-F-I Expression of CD11ahigh (C), ICOS (F), and CD137 (I), in the comparison between CD8+ PD1+CD28 and PD1+CD28+ T cells within the same district (Wilcoxon rank test). D-G-L Polyfunctional ability in CD8+ PD1+CD28 or PD1+CD28+ T-cell subsets following activation with anti-CD3 mAb (5-6h), between gated CD11ahigh vs CD11alow/− (D, n = 10), ICOS+ vs ICOS (G, n = 6) and CD137+ vs CD137 (L, n = 10) cells, in the different districts of matched patients (Wilcoxon rank test). * P ≤ 0.05, **P ≤ 0.01, ***P ≤ 0.001. NS, not significant. Plots show median values with interquartile range

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