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Fig. 3 | Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research

Fig. 3

From: Auranofin repurposing for lung and pancreatic cancer: low CA12 expression as a marker of sensitivity in patient-derived organoids, with potentiated efficacy by AKT inhibition

Fig. 3

CA12 as predictive biomarker in 2D cancer cell lines and expression in patient samples. A CA12 expression values (transcript per million) derived from a publicly available RNA-Seq dataset for 17 2D NSCLC and PDAC cancer cells lines for which the AF treatment response was defined in previous studies. B ROC analysis for the classification of resistant and sensitive (sensitive + intermediate) cell lines to AF treatment, based on CA12 expression values. UMAP overview of cancer cells annotated by patient and CA12 expression for (C) PDAC and D NSCLC adenocarcinoma patient samples. Dotplot representing the fraction of positive cells (%) and mean expression per patient for (E) PDAC and (F) NSCLC patients. G Scatter plot visualising the correlation between the percentage PDAC positive cells for CA12 and NFKB-related genes. The Spearman correlation coefficient and related p-value is plotted. (p < 0.05 indicates significance)

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