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Fig. 9 | Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research

Fig. 9

From: PRMT6-mediated transcriptional activation of ythdf2 promotes glioblastoma migration, invasion, and emt via the wnt–β-catenin pathway

Fig. 9

PRMT6 Promotes Glioma Invasive Growth and EMT in an Orthotopic Xenograft Model via YTHDF2. A: A nude mouse intracranial tumorigenesis assay was conducted using sh-C + Empty Vec, sh-PRMT6 + Empty Vec, sh-PRMT6 + YTHDF2, sh-C + YTHDF2, and sh-C + sh-YTHDF2 cells. Representative H&E-stained brain sections show orthotopic xenografts (top images, scale bar = 1.5 mm). Tumor margins in mouse brains were observed for in vivo invasion assessment (bottom images, scale bar = 100 μm). B: Tumor volumes were calculated for each mouse group. C: The relative invasive fingers of each tumor were calculated microscopically by counting protruding and diffused tumor tissues. D: Representative immunohistochemical staining images of PRMT6, YTHDF2, N-cadherin, and E-cadherin in mouse tumor tissues. Scale bar = 100 μm

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